Búmerkið hjá felagnum


As a union Føroya Pedagogfelag has the contract rights for the educare, preschool, special needs in school, special needs in general, social education and other institutions run by municipalities or the government.

Here is a brief overview of you rights as a member of our union.

Your Rights

A brief overview of your pay and employment rights. According to law and contract.

As a member of the Faroese work force, you have certain rights and duties.

  • on employment, the law states that you should receive a letter of employment, if you are employed for more than 8 hours a week.
    In our sector a copy should be sent to Føroya Pedagogfelag (the contract negotiating union).
  • The letter of employment should include, expected work hours, how much your salary is, where you work and information regarding your job.
  • You have the right to have a holiday. There is a law that states that between 01. April and 31. March you earn 2½ days a month of paid holiday. This gives you 5 weeks of holiday. Three of which you can demand to have in one go.
    In some cases, holiday money can be paid as 12% of your hourly income, if you don´t have a monthly pay.
    Our contract also includes 5 extra days holiday.

What is the correct pay?

The contract, between the union (Føroya Pedagogfelag) and the employer, (municipality or government) sets the minimum wage levels for both the municipality and the government.
Read more here

The most common ones mentioned her:

Educated pedagogue or similar, get a monthly salary according to experience. 24 months experience gives an added higher pay level. The most common starting level is 11, then progresses to 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23 and 24.

Educated pedagogue helpers or similar, get a monthly salary according to experience. 24 months experience gives an added higher pay level. The most common starting level is 9, then progresses to 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14.

Helpers without an education or similar, get a monthly salary according to experience. 24 months experience gives an added higher pay level.
The most common starting level is 2, then progresses to 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. If working for a municipality. One level higher if working for the government, the most common starting level is 3, then progresses to 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. (Almannaverkið or Fólkaskúlin, typically).

The typical work week is 40 hours, if you work less than this it is considered part-time. To calculate the pay you can use this formula: Monthly pay / 40 x your weekly work hours.

“Example if you work 35 hours a week at entry level 2. = 25.802,76 dkr/40*35 = 22.577,42 dkr. a month.”

To calculate an hourly salary:

Monthly pay/2080 x 12 = 25.802,76 dkr / 2080 * 12 = 148,86 dkr.

All pay levels receive a minimum of 12% in pension payments, some get 14%, depending on the work area and education level.

Sick leave

The contract also ensures that you have the right to get paid when sick. This is does have certain rules regulating it, as there is a difference between those on a hourly contract and monthly.

As a member of Føroya Pedagogfelag, you can contact us if you have any questions about your employment and what rights you have.

We are always ready to help you.

Call 357576 or send an email to pedagog@pedagogfelag.fo